Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Environment is Our Valentine!

In keeping with the spirit of Valentine's Day - just a friendly reminder to LOVE THE ENVIRONMENT TODAY! For those of you, like us, who need to call your mother every time you attempt to do laundry, or who tinted all of your white sheets pink during the first semester - this one is for you: laundry can be simple! Throw it all in the same washer and hit the 'BRIGHT COLORS' setting, which will use only cold water.  This is not only time-efficient for you, but it's energy-efficient, which benefits the environment.  It's a win-win! Using the cold-water setting saves 90% of the energy otherwise used to wash clothes and prevents up to 1600 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions each year! Happy Valentine's day to all - give a tree a hug today!

And look! It's not just us GECS majors and ECOReps who are spreading the love! Freshmen Julia Johnson (Economics Major) and Matan Grossmann (Mechanical Engineer) do their laundry the COOL (pun intended) way too!!

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